What to expect from an appointment with South Coast Rx Physiotherapy
What to expect from an appointment
Make a booking
You can make an appointment which fits around your schedule by visiting our online booking platform. Once you have selected which time works best for you, you will then be sent out a pre-assessment questionnaire which will give us an insight into how best we can help you.
Initial Appointment
Our initial appointments are longer than all other providers. We offer a comprehensive 1 hour assessment where your therapist will sit down with you and discuss your symptoms and the goals you would like to aim for.
Your therapist will then complete an assessment which will involve specific tests which will help to diagnose the problem. This will be followed by a detailed explanation of the diagnosis to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of what is going on and how best to improve your symptoms.
A typical recovery journey can last an average of 4-6 appointments over a 3 month timescale. We find this number of appointments offers the best longer-term solution, allowing you to live a confident, active, and pain free life, without the risk of re-injury. Our main aim is to get you back to the things you love doing.
Your Therapist will aim to answer 4 key questions by the end of the appointment:
1 - What is wrong?
2 - How long will it take to get better?
3 - What can we do to help you?
4 - What can you do to help yourself?
Treatment Plan
Your Therapist will outline a comprehensive treatment plan, tailored to your goals. This may include a variety of treatment options to optimise your recovery outlined below:
Home/gym based exercises
Guided 1:1 rehabilitation in our fully equipped gym
Manual therapy
After the Appointment
Your Therapist will send you a detailed summary of the appointment along with a code to access your exercise programme via our free app. This will include helpful videos of how to complete your exercises as well as the ability to track your progress over time. We will remain in close contact through every stage of your rehabilitation to make sure that you are heading in the right direction.